We design and implement strategic interventions that reduce infant
mortality rates and child diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea,
malnutrition, etc., conduct community immunization, prevent the spread
of HIV/AIDS, improve maternal health care, and sensitize the rural
communities on best practices that would ameliorate the spread of
endemic and non-communicable diseases. To realize these, we have
developed the Community Child Healthcare Initiative which is targeted at
the following:
- Conduct free community testing to ensure early detection of health
- Conduct basic prevention activities such as deworming, and
community sensitization on topical issues such as menstrual Hygiene
management, WASH, and Mental Health.
- Carry out HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Fasting Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure
testing and counseling services.
- Provide vitamins supplementation for children, pregnant and lactating
mothers in communities
- Raise funds from individuals, organizations, and concerned agencies